
Íllora is based in the lap of the Parapanda mountain range. In front of us the multicolour landscape of olive groves and cultivated fields that descend to the Fertile plain of the Genil unfolds; at the end, to the east, Sierra Nevada. The white small village of Íllora it holds to slopes of the rocky mountain, where its germ was.


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Rutas NaturalesBrácana and la Presa (damn)

After crossing fields, according the Genil river shows places with historic scenery, peace and atmosphere come together in one of the most beautiful places in theprovince of Granada. Woods where y [ ... ]

PersonajesNicolás Jiménez

In the second republic movement which started in Íllora, we found an interesting person called Nicolás Jiménez, he was the social leader of the politician group called PSOE and UG [ ... ]

GastronomíaGrape juices gachas

> 750 g of flour
> 250 g of almonds
> Two liter of grape juice (reciently made) In order to prepare
You boil the juice in a pan and if it get to skim, you [ ... ]

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