
Íllora is based in the lap of the Parapanda mountain range. In front of us the multicolour landscape of olive groves and cultivated fields that descend to the Fertile plain of the Genil unfolds; at the end, to the east, Sierra Nevada. The white small village of Íllora it holds to slopes of the rocky mountain, where its germ was.


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PatrimonioChurch of Dolores - Alomartes

Translated to english, Dolores means pain, so well known as the church of pains, the temple dates of the year 1781, corresponding its edificacion to neolitic styles.

GastronomíaArtichoke with bread crumbles

> Handfull of small artichoke
> Fried bread
> Garlic
> Fried almonds
> Water, salt, oil, vinagre, and pepper
In order to prepare
You must cook the a [ ... ]

Rutas NaturalesSierra Pelada

Found in the middle of an ocean of olive trees on the road to Montefrio in the province of Granada. It is inhabited for centuries to partridges tocans, goats, Tarabillas en its tipicnatural habit  [ ... ]

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