Home arrow Guide of Íllora arrow Natural Routes arrow Brácana and la Presa (damn)
Brácana and la Presa (damn)

After crossing fields, according the Genil river shows places with historic scenery, peace and atmosphere come together in one of the most beautiful places in theprovince of Granada. Woods where you can find big trees, and on this landscape you can see the meso mediterranem fields. Al together in a rich and beautiful fauna (natural habit). This route is lovely in autumn because of the different colours of trees and even then there is a nice smooth air. You can find three different kinds of wood peckers which are coloured birds.

Its river Genil and exotic birds like royal garza and Chorlite which only can be found in spain.
If you start walking from Brácana to the highway, we may walk a few km passing Hoyo de Juan Serrano, and we leave on the right side the Tower of Encantada, which ones was an atalaya nazarie. We just go to the property of Turilla. There we can see some waterfalls on our left side.
Once we come by the property, you’ll see an electric transformer, where you turn in a different direction to Villanueva. There you will see the damn with its canals and beautiful areas. After looking at this, we go back the same way we came. I am sure you will enjoy yourselves.

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